CFO Pharma


Green Line Tirana Sh.p.k.
Lines 3 & 16

Founded in 2021
Operated Line 10 after the cancelation of the contract with Ferlut Sh.A. in 09/2021
Since ca. 12/2021 operator of line 16 "Green Line"
Took over operations on line 3 (Qender — Astir) from City Trans-A
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GERARD sh.pk.
Line 9

Operator of line 9 (Qyteti Studenti — Jornad Misja) 03/2017-03/2027

List of the models
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City Trans-A Sh.P.K.
Former operator of Line 3

Operation of Line 3 transfered to Green Line Tirana around 2021/2022

List of the models
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