Пермский край

Geschlossene Geschäfte, Perm

× ИП Бобрин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Камбур
ИП Камбур, ООО "Держава"
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Караев
ООО "Закамское автотранспортное предприятие", ИП Караев, ООО "Мега-групп", ИП Ротманов, ООО "Урал-Авто"
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Кожокарь
с. Култаево
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× Kolodyazhny
ИП Адутов, ООО "Элефант", ИП Колесников, ИП Колодяжный, ИП Колодяжная, ООО "Горавтотранс"
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Мухтасаров List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Назаров List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Негодяев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
IP Novoselov
ООО "НП МАНСИТИ", "НП МАНСИТИ ПЛЮС", ИП Новосёлов, ИП Полежаев
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Перевозчиков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Поздеев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Русаков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Старков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Тетерин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Токарев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
IP Tretjakow
ООО "Бизнес-Д", ООО "СК-Групп", ИП Третьяков
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Черноколпаков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ООО "Уралавтолайн" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ООО "Спецтрансавто"
ООО "ПТК", ООО "Сервис-Авто", ООО "Терра", ООО "Техстрой-Авто-Плюс", ООО "Транс-А", ООО "Транском"
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
LLC „Art-Style“
ООО "Арт-Сервис", ООО "Арт-Стиль", ИП Дробинин
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ООО "Уралавто"
ООО "Викдэн", ООО "Итан", ООО "Макдэн", ИП Сасунова
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
LLC „Zakamsky Bus“
ООО "Закамский автобус-1", ООО "Закамский автобус-2", ООО "Закамский автобус-3", ООО "ПАП-3", ООО "Третий Паркъ"
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ООО "МС-Транс" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ООО "Экипаж" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ООО "Строительно-монтажный трест №7" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ОАО "Строительно-монтажный трест №14" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
ИП Худяев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Аветисян List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ООО "Авто" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× IP Braschnikow List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× LLC "VTB-Auto" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Гонцов List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ООО "Городские автобусные линии" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Дерябина List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Дорошенко List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Ивчанский List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Кирилова List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Кореков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Кулев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Корзухин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Костарев
ИП Костарев, ООО "Транс-К"
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Кустов List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× Малышев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× IP Meltsev † List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ООО "Матвеев и Литвинова-Транс" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Мкртчян List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Муртазина List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Мутовин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Наймарк List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Новак List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Обухов List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Патраков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× IP Pirozhkov † List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Пирожкова List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Пысин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× IP Pyatunina List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Романова List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Смирнягин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ООО "Серпантин" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Талейко List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Толченицын List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ООО "Уралавтотранс" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Усова List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Фадеев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Хадыев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Хазиев List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Хохряков List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Шитягин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Шитягина List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ИП Шушлебин List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× IP Jakimow † List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× Муниципальное предприятие санитарного автотранспорта List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× АО "Пермская автоколонна №1858" List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ПАТП №1
До 2001 года в состав входил филиал — ПАТП №5, он же филиал №1
Закрыто в 2005 г.
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ПАТП №2
С 2003 до 2005 гг. — автоколонна № 2 ПАТП № 5
Закрыто в 2005 г.
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ПАТП №3
Закрыто в 2005 г.
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× ПАТП №4
Закрыто в 2005 г.
List of the models
Vehicles without photos
× Автобусы ПАТП List of the models
Vehicles without photos
Entire list List of the models
Vehicles without photos


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