Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 681; Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 685; Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 679; Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 682; Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 680; Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 686
  Split Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 681 
 Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 685 
 Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 679 
 Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 682 
 Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 680 
 Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 686 
Promet Split Depot
Not dead yet: Incredibly, there are still 9 (!) MAN-Avtomontaža SG220 buses sitting in the depot of Promet Split, despite being withdrawn from service around 10 years ago. Their condition is of course rather sad, however I was told by my Croatian friend that they are at least planning to restore one as a museum bus. Unfortunately, the pretty rude staff at Promet Split wouldn't allow us to take pictures inside the yard, so this shot from the fence was the best I got.

Autors: German Perfectionist · Munich           Datums: 2 augusta 2022 g., otrdiena

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Licence: Copyright ©
Publicēts 27.11.2022 01:02 EEST
Skatījumus — 209

Sīkāka informācija

Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 681

Atrašanās vieta:Public Transport
Parks:Promet Split d.o.o.
Valsts numurs:ST 356-BH
Modelis:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts

Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 685

Atrašanās vieta:Public Transport
Parks:Promet Split d.o.o.
Valsts numurs:ST 108-LN
Modelis:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts

Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 679

Atrašanās vieta:Public Transport
Parks:Promet Split d.o.o.
Valsts numurs:ST 308-AV
Modelis:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts

Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 682

Atrašanās vieta:Public Transport
Parks:Promet Split d.o.o.
Valsts numurs:ST 357-BH
Modelis:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts

Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 680

Atrašanās vieta:Public Transport
Parks:Promet Split d.o.o.
Valsts numurs:ST 355-BH
Modelis:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts

Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 № 686

Atrašanās vieta:Public Transport
Parks:Promet Split d.o.o.
Valsts numurs:ST 888-AS
Modelis:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts


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Komentāri · 7

27.11.2022 17:00 EEST
Rytis001 · Kaunas
Foto: 1202 · Pilsētas redaktors
Funny enough, from what I've heard the #688, the one that was supposed to be left as museum, was the first one to be scrapped this year... And, if I'm not mistaking, was the last one to operate in Split.
+2 / –0
27.11.2022 18:08 EEST
TramBusAl · Geneva
Foto: 194 · Moderators / Neautoru materiālu moderators / Radošas fotogrāfijas moderators / Vecākais fotoattēlu moderators / Kopīgs redaktors / Ziņu redaktors / Video katologa redaktors / Cities and Model Editor
Correct - under current EU Cohesion Fund policies, 1 vehicle is supposed to be retired/scrapped/donated for every new vehicle delivered. Twenty vehicles, mostly the older Lion's City and a couple of Citaro buses, have been donated to Mostar so far.
+2 / –0
28.11.2022 13:10 EEST
Rytis001 · Kaunas
Foto: 1202 · Pilsētas redaktors
But where is the logic? 688 was probably the one with the best condition, it would be logical to left him for a museum piece.
+1 / –0
04.12.2022 20:27 EEST
amfan · Split
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The only reason these buses, or rather their remains, are still there is that they are part of a litigation against Promet that has been going on for decades regarding the payment of their leasing fees. As such, they are pieces of evidence which cannot be destroyed. When that case finally ends (knowing Croatian judiciary, in 2050), they will be scrapped. 688 was scrapped (and reused as part of the EU project) as it was the only one fully owned by Promet. The restoration ship has sailed, unfortunately.
+2 / –0
04.12.2022 20:30 EEST
amfan · Split
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P.S. When you come unannounced, you are at the mercy of security guards, who don't have to do anything for you (at least this is their view). Some might let you in, others might be very rude. Next time, try sending an official e-mail beforehand and you will probably be let in.

Also, the final number of buses donated to Mostar is 22, of which only one is a Citaro.
+2 / –0
04.12.2022 21:31 EEST
Foto: 5039 · Kopīgs redaktors / Cities and Model Editor
Thanks for the explanation, as always I'm very impressed by your sheer amount of inside knowledge about Croatian bus companies. What a shame about those buses though... Out of curiosity, are there any surviving / restored Avtomontaža-SGs you know of?
+2 / –0
04.12.2022 22:08 EEST
amfan · Split
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Yes, there are two, one at inBUSclub, Trieste, ex Koper (http://www.inbusclub.it/mezzi_storici/au...220.htm), the other in the Slovenian Technical Museum, ex Ljubljana (https://www.tms.si/digitalna-zbirka/mest...ontaza/)
+1 / –0

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