Vladimir, MAN SL202 # К 928 МН 33
City | Facility | # | Plate | Since... | To... |
Vladimir | IP Mikhailov Alexander Evgenievich | | К 928 МН 33 | 07.2017 | 12.2022 |
| Е 954 МО 33 | 05.2017 | 07.2017 |
| М 572 МО 33 | 02.2011 | 10.2016 |
| К 928 МН 33 | 12.2010 | 02.2011 |
Group of companies "BigAvtoTrans" | | ВТ 594 33 | 09.2009 | 12.2010 |
GС "Vladimir Autobus Lines" | | ≤ 2008 | 09.2009 |
218 | ВВ 655 33 | 02.2003 | 2008 |
IP Solovyov | | Х 385 ВО 33 | ≤ 2002 | 02.2003 |
Peine | Omnibus-Nahverkehr-Service-GmbH "Melskotte" | | UE-AU 917 | 05.2000 | 2002 |
Hannover | ÜSTRA Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG | 7726 | H-NY 192 | 05.1986 | 05.2000 |
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↑ December 2022 Withdrawn
Улица Гагарина Лыбедская магистраль Route 17
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 Author: Аркадий Новожилов
¤ |
↑ July 2017 Change of state number (within the company)
↑ October 2016 — May 2017 Change of state number (within the company)
↑ February 2011 Change of state number (within the company)
↑ December 2010 Renumbered or transferred within city
↑ September 2009 Renumbered or transferred within city
↑ 2008 or earlier Renumbered or transferred within city
↑ February 2003 Renumbered or transferred within city
↑ 2002 or earlier Transferred to another city
↑ May 2000 Transferred to another city
↑ May 1986 Arrived at the facility
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