Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 nr. 680

Numărul de înmatriculare:ST 355-BH
Oraș:Split   Croatia
Location:Public Transport
Depoul:Promet Split d.o.o.
Model:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Anul construcției:1990
Starea actuală: Withdrawn 
Funcție:Passenger vehicle
Anul de casare:2010

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Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  nr. 681 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  nr. 685 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  nr. 679 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  nr. 682 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  nr. 686 

Promet Split Depot

Not dead yet: Incredibly, there are still 9 (!) MAN-Avtomontaža SG220 buses sitting in the depot of Promet Split, despite being withdrawn from service around 10 years ago. Their condition is of course rather sad, however I was told by my Croatian friend that they are at least planning to restore one as a museum bus. Unfortunately, the pretty rude staff at Promet Split wouldn't allow us to take pictures inside the yard, so this shot from the fence was the best I got.

2 August 2022 year, Tuesday
Autorul: German Perfectionist



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