Split, Avtomontaža MAN SG220 # 681

Matrícula #:ST 356-BH
Cidade:Split   Croatia
Location:Public Transport
Operador / Facilidades:Promet Split d.o.o.
Modelo:Avtomontaža MAN SG220
Estado corrente: Localização e estado desconhecidos 
Serviço:Carro de Passageiros

Conditional photos: Ocultar / Exibir
Fotos Secundárias: Ocultar / Exibir

  Localização e estado desconhecidos

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Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  # 685 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  # 679 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  # 682 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  # 680 
Split,  Avtomontaža MAN SG220  # 686 

Promet Split Depot

Not dead yet: Incredibly, there are still 9 (!) MAN-Avtomontaža SG220 buses sitting in the depot of Promet Split, despite being withdrawn from service around 10 years ago. Their condition is of course rather sad, however I was told by my Croatian friend that they are at least planning to restore one as a museum bus. Unfortunately, the pretty rude staff at Promet Split wouldn't allow us to take pictures inside the yard, so this shot from the fence was the best I got.

2 Agosto 2022 Ano, Terça-Feira
Autor: German Perfectionist


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