Kyiv, Богдан А20110 # АА 1716 АА
City | Facility | Plate | Since... | To... | Remarks |
Kyiv | ТОВ "Ярославь-авто" (Оренда) | АА 1716 АА | 08.2019 | | 465 |
Borispol | ТОВ "Автосервіс" | 01.2019 | 08.2019 | |
Kyiv | ТОВ "Тракер" | 12.2018 | 01.2019 | |
ПП "Парк" | 03.2012 | 12.2018 | |
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Площа Валерія Марченка Route 465
21 June 2023 year, Wednesday Author: Santehnik
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Вулиця Данила Щербаківського Route 465
21 June 2023 year, Wednesday Author: Santehnik
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Проспект Правди Route 465
21 October 2020 year, Wednesday Author: SavA
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Харківське шосе Станція метро «Червоний Хутір» - Ашан Рів Гош
15 March 2020 year, Sunday Author: KievskiyMA3
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↑ August 2019 year Transferred to another city
Київ, вулиця Данила Щербаківського Route 465
13 April 2019 year, Saturday Author: SavA
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↑ January 2019 year Transferred to another city
↑ December 2018 year Renumbered or transferred within city
Бульвар Тараса Шевченка Route 575
А201 в большом городе
18 September 2016 year, Sunday Author: Артурыч
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Улица Северо-Сырецкая Route 575
27 May 2015 year, Wednesday Author: Серёга
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Площа Перемоги Route 575
14 October 2013 year, Monday Author: tavalex2007
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↑ March 2012 year Arrived at the facility
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