Voronezh, MAZ-103.075 # 13001
City | Operator/Facility | # | Plate | Since... | To... | Remarks |
Voronezh | IP Ochnev Andrej Vladislavovich | 13001 | Е 012 КО 136 | 09.2021 | | 80 |
| 01.2021 | 08.2021 |
Perm | IP Novoselov | | К 769 МУ 159 | 05.2016 | 01.2021 | |
Belgorod | OOO "BelKomTrans" | | О 418 ВР 31 | 04.2015 | 05.2016 | |
Сочи | МУП "СочиАвтотранс" | 1151 | КТ 418 23 | 02.2008 | 04.2015 | 125 |
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↑ August 2021 year — September 2021 year Transferred to another city
↑ January 2021 year Change of state number (within the enterprise)
↑ May 2016 year Change of state number (within the enterprise)
↑ April 2015 year Change of state number (within the enterprise)
↑ February 2008 year Arrived at the facility
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